Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Baby News!

Well, I posted it on Facebook so I think I should blog about it here. Hubby and I are expecting our second baby! Peanut is due around October 11 and we are really excited. Right now everything is going well, except for the morning sickness. Morning sickness sucks! I am tired of feeling so crappy all the time and throwing up. Hopefully it gets better soon, I know my poor hubby is tired of dealing with it just as much as me. More details coming soon, have to get ready for C's parent-teacher conference.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Conversations with my daughter

I love the silly, crazy, adorable things my almost four year old says to me. Here are a few conversations we have had in the last day or two

About her friend Sam and her Daddy:

C- Mom, daddy is your boyfriend
Me- Daddy is my boyfriend?
C-Yep! Daddy is your boyfriend and Sam is my boyfriend.
Me-Oh Sam is your boyfriend?? Do you love Sam?
C- Yep! I love Sam like you love Daddy
Me- Good to know thanks
This morning she was watching "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" I think they should ask children for input before they name movies, lol

Me: Cass, what are you watching?
Cass: Chew and Swallow
Me: Chew and Swallow? I thought it was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs?
Cass: Hahahaha Mommy. Noooooooooo its Chew and Swallow.
Me: Okay, I stand corrected.

Tonight as we ate pizza for dinner.

C- Mommy why don't you at pepperoni pizza like Daddy?
Me- Pepperoni gives me heartburn so I don't eat it
C- Cheese pizza doesn't have heartburn Mommy!!

Oh how I love her cuteness! <3 <3

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Coupon Envelopes Project

My latest and greatest project was making coupon envelopes. I was using this super awesome system (insert sarcasm) of shoving all my coupons in a ziploc bag and doubling my grocery shopping time while I searched for coupons and got in everyones away. I decided enough is enough. I began researching coupon organizing systems on the internet and found binders, and acordian files and all sorts of contraptions. Some of them looked like something I would want to try but I am cheap and didn't want to pay for them, lol. So, I got the creative juices flowing and made envelopes. This is not a new idea, lots of people use envelopes, but I wanted something pretty. Its a simple idea really, one envelope per coupon category and you're good to go.

Here is what I did for my envelopes:

Pretty Craft Paper ( I used scrapbooking paper since they were thicker)
Envelope Template
Glue Stick
Pen or Marker to label envelopes

Turn over scrapbooking paper and trace your envelope pattern on to paper.
Cut pattern out and fold flaps to make envelope shape.
Glue the two side and bottom flaps together. Let Dry
Write coupon categories on envelopes

The coupon categories are completely up to you and your needs. Some of the categories I chose were:
Pet Food/Supplies
Health and Beauty
Cleaning Supplies and Paper Goods
Frozen Food
Cereal and Breakfast foods
Baking Supplies
Canned Goods

I think there are a couple more but that is what I remember off the top of my head. They are in the pictures, lol. Now all my coupons are organized into their envelopes and this will hopefully make things a little easier when I am grocery shopping.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Pillow Pets

Just about anyone who has a small child knows what a Pillow Pet is. Its an adorable stuffed animal that also unfolds to become a pillow. They are very cute and very cuddly and alot of little kids wants one, including mine.

C is determined to get the purple unicorn pillow pet. Not sure what it is about the unicorn but that is the one she wants.  Her birthday is coming up so maybe, hopefully, she will get her unicorn.

However, a new Pillow Pet has made its home in my house tonight and its all my fault. Don't get me wrong, I love pillow pets but I am not ready to pay $20 for one. So here is what happened........

C and I were at Walmart picking up a few things when I saw the Valentine Dog Pillow Pet. He is a cute red puppy with a white tummy and red hearts. I showed C this cute little fur ball and she fell in love. She grabbed that Pillow Pet and wrapped her cute little arms around him and started cuddling. Uh oh Jenn, what are you going to do now??!! Well, thinking my almost 4 year old daughter would understand we couldnt get one today and maybe some other time, I took that little fur ball out of her grasp and placed it back on the display. HUGE MISTAKE!!!! She did not throw a tantrum. Nope, she just let out small pathethic little sobs. Ugh, I felt so horrible! I figured she would be okay in a couple minutes until the giant crocodile tears decided to make their appearence. Great!!!! So guess who went back and got that little red fur ball for C??!! Yep, me.

Lesson learned....don't show your kid something that is so gosh darn cute that if you dont get it for them their world as they know it will seem like its ending, lol.

If you have no idea what a Pillow Pet is here is the link to their website and to the Pillow Pet I spoke about here. Enjoy the cuteness. Oh and BTW, any and all nice things I have to say about Pillow Pets are my opinion and only my opinion, no one paid me to say it.  :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Well hello there

Wow! It's been way too long since I have blogged. Bad Jenn, lol. I am going to try in 2011 to blog more.  So, happy belated 2011!! See you soon :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Need a break and feeling guilty

I am a stay at home mom, and I chose to be a stay at home mom. I could go to work full time but the costs of daycare doesnt make it worth it. I love my daughter, I love her more than anything on this planet but I need a break. I feel so guilty about writing this but its true. I need some time alone. Im not asking for alot just maybe a day, two max and I think I will feel better. Every mom needs a break right? Why do I feel guilty about this?! We have never been apart more then eight hours in the three years she has been in my life. I hope I feel better soon, Im told I shouldnt feel guilty but I do.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day

Today is the day that we honor all the brave men and women who served in the US Military. I can proudly say that I served in the US Navy for six years. My husband is going on ten years serving in the Navy and is ready to put in another ten plus years. The military has been good to us. I would not trade this for the world. Yes, times can be rough but at the end of the day I have the most important thing in the world, the love of my husband and daughter.

Sometimes I wish we had more then one day to honor those who served. Yes, I am a vet but I think there are many more who gave alot more then me. I never saw combat, I never went to a war zone. My job was making sure my fellow service members were ready medically speaking to go into combat. I think there needs to be more done for them. 

I am so happy to see people showing their appreciation for our servicemembers today and I just pray that their appreciation, thoughts and prayers continue beyond today. Thank you to those who support our troops and pray for them every day.   We still have many brave men and women overseas protecting our country and need our prayers and support. Thank you to all my fellow veterans and thank you to those who are still putting their lives on the lines to protect this great country.